OPEN: Thursday - Sunday
CLOSED: Mon Tues Wednesday
1/31 - 2/23 2025
Video,Sound Performance 映像・サウンドパフォーマンスlive
All days start at 5:00 p.m. 全日とも午後5時から
Fee 2,000 yen , cash only 料金2,000円 当日現金のみ
oject は大谷能生(音楽家)、角田俊也(美術家)金村修(写真家)小松浩子(写真家)
oject の活動では初となるインスタレーションの展示も開催します。
In the Chika we will have a video and sound performance by the collective oject, consisting of four members:
Yoshio Otani (musician), Toshiya Tsunoda (artist), Osamu Kanemura (photographer), and Hiroko Komatsu (photographer). This will also be the first installation exhibition as part of oject's activities.
In a movie theater's projection room, there are usually two projectors that alternately spin film reels to project a continuous image on a single screen. Given the current prevalence of digital media, it might be more appropriate to say "has been done," but a single film is created from two light sources. Thinking about this always puts me in a strangely bright mood. The voice of Emperor Showa announcing the end of the war was recorded in advance at a studio and pressed onto just two records for broadcast. This means that it can be played on two turntables, but similar to how a DJ plays in a club, I want to experience running several images simultaneously with several light sources, while removing the prefix "pro/pre" in a half-hearted manner. It's a project that starts off feeling somewhat like a band.
Yoshio Ohtani
OPEN 木- 日 13:00-19:00 (日・祝日 18:00)
CLOSED 月・火 ・水(月曜日が祝日の場合も休廊)〒150-0013 東京都渋谷区恵比寿 2-21-3
TEL / FAX 03-3449-9271
交通 地下鉄日比谷線「広尾駅」2番出口 徒歩6分
JR山手線「恵比寿駅」東口 徒歩15分
渋谷より都バス06 新橋行・赤羽橋行「広尾5丁目」下車 徒歩3分
「恵比寿駅」より都バス 田87 田町駅前 行 「恵比寿2丁目」下車 徒歩4分Website