
OPEN: Thursday - Sunday
CLOSED: Mon Tues Wednesday


1/11 - 1/24 2025









This project comes from my studies on the process of commodification of street art and street culture-related activities in Japan (which are actually heavily regulated and definitely not that present in a visual landscape of this area) on one hand, and notions of erasing/cleaning/clearing/covering/hiding on the other. During my long term stay in Tokyo I noticed that in a very large number of art institutions, ranging from commercial, small scale galleries to artist run independent venues to museums to pop up merchandise spaces, there was clearly visible a very strong trend of showing artworks directly mimicking the graffiti and other urban guerrilla art aesthetics. And from my research perspective, this trend had an unprecedented scale, when compared to other locations I had chances to be professionally affiliated with for a reasonable
time period.


Regarding this commodification process and it’s social consequences as well as it’s conceptual significance (especially in regards to domesticating and familiarizing the anti-mainstream and anti-establishment content and stands), in my work, I got mostly focused on the role and the meaning of paintings and other small-to-medium scale, two-dimensional pieces delivered in an above-described fashion.


My series comprises a yet unfixed number/set of rather large scale photographs depicting graffiti walls painted over, taken in a bunch of selected locations in Tokyo. The initial photo was shot at the venue that was actually often occupied by police bicycle patrols, which were supposed to control the traffic and commuting safety.


Through this project I am trying to devise a sudo or meta-commodification experiments in an attempt to gently hack, destabilize and contextualize (especially with the policies of normalizing and optimizing of the public space)
the trend outlined in the first paragraph,

Piotr Bujak

OPEN 木- 日 13:00-19:00 (日・祝日 18:00まで、最終日 17:00まで)
CLOSED 月・火・水 (月曜日が祝日の場合も休廊)

      〒150-0013 東京都渋谷区恵比寿 2-21-3

TEL / FAX 03-3449-9271

交通    地下鉄日比谷線「広尾駅」2番出口 徒歩6分

      JR山手線「恵比寿駅」東口 徒歩15分 

      渋谷より都バス06 新橋行・赤羽橋行「広尾5丁目」下車 徒歩3分
        「恵比寿駅」より都バス 田87  田町駅前 行 「恵比寿2丁目」下車 徒歩4分




2016 © Gallery Kobo CHIKA All rights reserved